The Importance of Lysine for Felines

August 16, 2018

The Importance of Lysine for Felines

            The immune system of a cat is complex, but L- Lysine can help to defend their bodies against harmful diseases and viral infections. L-Lysine produces antibodies, and keeps the bones of your pet strong by helping to absorb more calcium. Since felines are unable to produce this on their own, you’ll have to find a way to add it to your cat’s diet.


Feline Herpes virus

Herpes virus in cats is much like the common cold in human beings; it’s normal for them to pick it up at some point in life, but it’s also very unpleasant. The infection can cause congestion within the respiratory system, drainage from the nose and eyes, fever, and your cat will probably appear to be sad or depressed. This is understandable, we all know how awful it feels when you can’t breathe as you would normally. Once they catch feline herpes virus, your cat’s immune system is never really able to get rid of it completely. However, it’s possible that years could go by before you ever see another flare-up.


L-Lysine Works as a Defense Against Infections

Feline herpes virus needs an amino acid called arginine in order to reproduce. L-Lysine prevents this from happening, and provides some relief from the symptoms. If your cat has contracted an incurable viral infection, you’ll want to make sure their environment isn’t creating unnecessary stress. L-Lysine is far more useful when it’s coupled by a quiet home where your cat is able to relax.


How Much Should I Give My Cat?

The quantity of L-Lysine administered to your pet will depend upon varying factors such as age, weight, and their overall health. Certain breeds will also differ based on their unique physical characteristics. Another thing to consider is whether or not your cat just has a bad case of feline allergies. If so, this will also have an effect on the amount you should give to your pet. Most of the time you’ll see L-Lysine given to kittens and elderly cats because they unfortunately have the weakest immune systems.


Look Out for Side Effects

Although it is incredibly helpful, this treatment has its downside just like any other. Some things to be aware of are pale gums, excessive scratching, swelling in the face, along with diarrhea and vomiting. If your cat is currently on other medications, you should consult with a veterinarian before you use L-Lysine as it can inhibit their effects. It’s best to start with a lower dose, then work your way up to the recommended amount. This way, if a reaction does occur it won’t be quite as severe as it would if you were to give your cat the full dose. If you remain consistent, you’ll have a happy, healthy pet for a very long time.



Featured Products:

 Lysine for Cats